Simple space-filling curve


Here are six iterations of Hilbert space-filling curve.
enter image description here

Isn't there a simpler space-filling curve?

For example $16$ iterations of this curve:

enter image description here

Isn't it also a space-filling curve?

  1. If it is not then why?
  2. If it is then why they (mathematicians) did not use the simplest possible curve? Or what are advantages of Hilbert curve over mine?

Best Answer

The images you provided don't lead to the construction of a space-filling curve. This is due to the fact that if you take $\{f_n\}$ to be the sequence of functions defining the iterations that you have provided, normally we'd call $f:= \lim_{n\rightarrow \infty} f_n$ our resulting space-filling curve. However, in this case this limit doesn't exist (so $f$ isn't well-defined).

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