Simple random walk reaching one value before terminating

martingalesprobabilityprobability theoryrandom walk

Setup: I have a Simple Random Walk (SRW) that starts in 1 and will terminate whenever it reaches 0. The probability of increasing and decreasing by $1$ is $\frac 1 2$ each.

Question: I'm trying to figure out the probability for the event that the SRW reaches a value $K\in\mathbb N$ before it terminates i.e. reaches 0. In my paper it says that the probability is given by $(1-\frac 1 K).$

Background: I came across this problem while reading a paper about Brownian Motion that is in some way reduced to a Simple Random Walk (I belive the details are unnecessary for this question, if you disagree please ask for further information).

At first, I thought that this question is quite helpful, however it does not include that termination aspect with which I am struggling.

Best Answer

I think I have just got some sort of answer thanks to this question.

So, let's say $S_n=1 + \sum_{k=0}^n X_k$ where $(X_k)k$ are i.i.d. random variables with $\mathbb P (X_k = 1) = \frac 1 2 = 1 - \mathbb P (X_k = -1).$

Then, set $S_T = \inf\{ n\in\mathbb N :S_n \in \{0,K\} \}$ and calculate $$ \mathbb E[S_T] = 0 \ \mathbb P (S_T = 0) + K\ \mathbb P (S_T = K) = K (1 - \mathbb P (S_T = 0)) = K(1-\mathbb P(T_0 < T_K)), $$ where $$ T_0 = \inf\{n: S_n = 0\},\ T_K = \inf\{ n:S_n = K \}. $$ With the Optional Stopping Theorem, you get $\mathbb E[S_T]= \mathbb E[S_0] = 1$, and thus $$ K(1-\mathbb P(T_0 <T_K)) = 1, $$ which then leads to $\mathbb P(T_0 <T_K) = 1-\frac 1 K.$

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