Simple question about Lebesgue density points of open sets


I have a question regarding Lebesgue density points.

Assume that $E \subset \Omega$, where $E$ and $\Omega$ are two open subset of $\mathbb{R}^n$; now define the function
$$D(x):=\lim_{r \to 0^+} \frac{| E \cap B_r (x)|}{|B_r (x)|},$$
where $| \cdot |$ denotes the Lebesgue measure in $\mathbb{R}^N$.
Now define the set:
$$E^{(t)}:= \left\{ x \in \Omega: D(x)=t \right\}.$$

Question: since $E$ is open, can I say that $E=E^{(1)}$?

My intuition says that if $x \in E=int(E)$ then $D(x)=1$ but my question is if also the conversely is true.


Best Answer

No, there could be $E^{(1)}$ points outside of $E$. Consider these $\Omega = \mathbb R$ and $E = \mathbb R \setminus \{0\}$. Even though $0 \notin E$, we still have $D(0) = 1$.

If $E$ is open we do have $$ E \subseteq E^{(1)} \subseteq \overline{E}\\ E^c \supseteq E^{(0)} \supseteq \left(\overline{E}\right)^c $$ where I used ${}^c$ for the complement. Any points outside $E^{(0)} \cup E^{(1)}$ are on the boundary of $E$.

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