Simple Continued Fraction of Square Root using Integer Operations Only

continued-fractionsnumber theory

I am trying to find out a way to compute the simple continued fraction of a square root. Simple means that the numerators of the expansion is always one. I have an integer square root function already, so I've already eliminated floating point square roots.

I'm following this generalized algorithm(In section: 6.2.2 An algorithm to find a simple CF for any square-root) . I'm interested in simplifying the repeating steps to only involve only integers (including integer division). In step 3 of the table, it seems the exact square root value is needed in order to compute the next value. Is there a way to eliminate this?

I found python code as well for illustration:
Line 24 would be the step that seems non trivial to eliminate floats.

Best Answer

Here is $\sqrt{139}$ which was asked in the stackoverflow qestion..This method is integers only, probably exactly what Fermat used, well suited for hand calculations.

Method described by Prof. Lubin at Continued fraction of $\sqrt{67} - 4$

$$ \sqrt { 139} = 11 + \frac{ \sqrt {139} - 11 }{ 1 } $$ $$ \frac{ 1 }{ \sqrt {139} - 11 } = \frac{ \sqrt {139} + 11 }{18 } = 1 + \frac{ \sqrt {139} - 7 }{18 } $$ $$ \frac{ 18 }{ \sqrt {139} - 7 } = \frac{ \sqrt {139} + 7 }{5 } = 3 + \frac{ \sqrt {139} - 8 }{5 } $$ $$ \frac{ 5 }{ \sqrt {139} - 8 } = \frac{ \sqrt {139} + 8 }{15 } = 1 + \frac{ \sqrt {139} - 7 }{15 } $$ $$ \frac{ 15 }{ \sqrt {139} - 7 } = \frac{ \sqrt {139} + 7 }{6 } = 3 + \frac{ \sqrt {139} - 11 }{6 } $$ $$ \frac{ 6 }{ \sqrt {139} - 11 } = \frac{ \sqrt {139} + 11 }{3 } = 7 + \frac{ \sqrt {139} - 10 }{3 } $$ $$ \frac{ 3 }{ \sqrt {139} - 10 } = \frac{ \sqrt {139} + 10 }{13 } = 1 + \frac{ \sqrt {139} - 3 }{13 } $$ $$ \frac{ 13 }{ \sqrt {139} - 3 } = \frac{ \sqrt {139} + 3 }{10 } = 1 + \frac{ \sqrt {139} - 7 }{10 } $$ $$ \frac{ 10 }{ \sqrt {139} - 7 } = \frac{ \sqrt {139} + 7 }{9 } = 2 + \frac{ \sqrt {139} - 11 }{9 } $$ $$ \frac{ 9 }{ \sqrt {139} - 11 } = \frac{ \sqrt {139} + 11 }{2 } = 11 + \frac{ \sqrt {139} - 11 }{2 } $$ $$ \frac{ 2 }{ \sqrt {139} - 11 } = \frac{ \sqrt {139} + 11 }{9 } = 2 + \frac{ \sqrt {139} - 7 }{9 } $$ $$ \frac{ 9 }{ \sqrt {139} - 7 } = \frac{ \sqrt {139} + 7 }{10 } = 1 + \frac{ \sqrt {139} - 3 }{10 } $$ $$ \frac{ 10 }{ \sqrt {139} - 3 } = \frac{ \sqrt {139} + 3 }{13 } = 1 + \frac{ \sqrt {139} - 10 }{13 } $$ $$ \frac{ 13 }{ \sqrt {139} - 10 } = \frac{ \sqrt {139} + 10 }{3 } = 7 + \frac{ \sqrt {139} - 11 }{3 } $$ $$ \frac{ 3 }{ \sqrt {139} - 11 } = \frac{ \sqrt {139} + 11 }{6 } = 3 + \frac{ \sqrt {139} - 7 }{6 } $$ $$ \frac{ 6 }{ \sqrt {139} - 7 } = \frac{ \sqrt {139} + 7 }{15 } = 1 + \frac{ \sqrt {139} - 8 }{15 } $$ $$ \frac{ 15 }{ \sqrt {139} - 8 } = \frac{ \sqrt {139} + 8 }{5 } = 3 + \frac{ \sqrt {139} - 7 }{5 } $$ $$ \frac{ 5 }{ \sqrt {139} - 7 } = \frac{ \sqrt {139} + 7 }{18 } = 1 + \frac{ \sqrt {139} - 11 }{18 } $$ $$ \frac{ 18 }{ \sqrt {139} - 11 } = \frac{ \sqrt {139} + 11 }{1 } = 22 + \frac{ \sqrt {139} - 11 }{1 } $$

Simple continued fraction tableau:
$$ \begin{array}{cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc} & & 11 & & 1 & & 3 & & 1 & & 3 & & 7 & & 1 & & 1 & & 2 & & 11 & & 2 & & 1 & & 1 & & 7 & & 3 & & 1 & & 3 & & 1 & & 22 & \\ \\ \frac{ 0 }{ 1 } & \frac{ 1 }{ 0 } & & \frac{ 11 }{ 1 } & & \frac{ 12 }{ 1 } & & \frac{ 47 }{ 4 } & & \frac{ 59 }{ 5 } & & \frac{ 224 }{ 19 } & & \frac{ 1627 }{ 138 } & & \frac{ 1851 }{ 157 } & & \frac{ 3478 }{ 295 } & & \frac{ 8807 }{ 747 } & & \frac{ 100355 }{ 8512 } & & \frac{ 209517 }{ 17771 } & & \frac{ 309872 }{ 26283 } & & \frac{ 519389 }{ 44054 } & & \frac{ 3945595 }{ 334661 } & & \frac{ 12356174 }{ 1048037 } & & \frac{ 16301769 }{ 1382698 } & & \frac{ 61261481 }{ 5196131 } & & \frac{ 77563250 }{ 6578829 } \\ \\ & 1 & & -18 & & 5 & & -15 & & 6 & & -3 & & 13 & & -10 & & 9 & & -2 & & 9 & & -10 & & 13 & & -3 & & 6 & & -15 & & 5 & & -18 & & 1 \end{array} $$

$$ \begin{array}{cccc} \frac{ 1 }{ 0 } & 1^2 - 139 \cdot 0^2 = 1 & \mbox{digit} & 11 \\ \frac{ 11 }{ 1 } & 11^2 - 139 \cdot 1^2 = -18 & \mbox{digit} & 1 \\ \frac{ 12 }{ 1 } & 12^2 - 139 \cdot 1^2 = 5 & \mbox{digit} & 3 \\ \frac{ 47 }{ 4 } & 47^2 - 139 \cdot 4^2 = -15 & \mbox{digit} & 1 \\ \frac{ 59 }{ 5 } & 59^2 - 139 \cdot 5^2 = 6 & \mbox{digit} & 3 \\ \frac{ 224 }{ 19 } & 224^2 - 139 \cdot 19^2 = -3 & \mbox{digit} & 7 \\ \frac{ 1627 }{ 138 } & 1627^2 - 139 \cdot 138^2 = 13 & \mbox{digit} & 1 \\ \frac{ 1851 }{ 157 } & 1851^2 - 139 \cdot 157^2 = -10 & \mbox{digit} & 1 \\ \frac{ 3478 }{ 295 } & 3478^2 - 139 \cdot 295^2 = 9 & \mbox{digit} & 2 \\ \frac{ 8807 }{ 747 } & 8807^2 - 139 \cdot 747^2 = -2 & \mbox{digit} & 11 \\ \frac{ 100355 }{ 8512 } & 100355^2 - 139 \cdot 8512^2 = 9 & \mbox{digit} & 2 \\ \frac{ 209517 }{ 17771 } & 209517^2 - 139 \cdot 17771^2 = -10 & \mbox{digit} & 1 \\ \frac{ 309872 }{ 26283 } & 309872^2 - 139 \cdot 26283^2 = 13 & \mbox{digit} & 1 \\ \frac{ 519389 }{ 44054 } & 519389^2 - 139 \cdot 44054^2 = -3 & \mbox{digit} & 7 \\ \frac{ 3945595 }{ 334661 } & 3945595^2 - 139 \cdot 334661^2 = 6 & \mbox{digit} & 3 \\ \frac{ 12356174 }{ 1048037 } & 12356174^2 - 139 \cdot 1048037^2 = -15 & \mbox{digit} & 1 \\ \frac{ 16301769 }{ 1382698 } & 16301769^2 - 139 \cdot 1382698^2 = 5 & \mbox{digit} & 3 \\ \frac{ 61261481 }{ 5196131 } & 61261481^2 - 139 \cdot 5196131^2 = -18 & \mbox{digit} & 1 \\ \frac{ 77563250 }{ 6578829 } & 77563250^2 - 139 \cdot 6578829^2 = 1 & \mbox{digit} & 22 \\ \end{array} $$