Simple algebraic method to solve magic square for children

linear algebra

sorry if the question is too noob for this forum.. my 11 years old son was assigned to the task of solve a (kind of) magic square, that can be represented like the following system of equations:

  • row $1: 6 + a + b = 11$

  • row $2: c + d + 5 = 15$

  • row $3: e + 4 + f = 19$

  • col $\;\, 1: 6 + c + e = 15$

  • col $\;\, 2: a + d + 4 = 16$

  • col $\;\, 3: b + 5 + f = 14$

We solved it by writing a small program with a brute-force approach, but I wonder if there is some algebraic method, something more elegant that brute-force but simple enough to be explained to a kid (i. e. simplex matrix manipulations are too complex). Thanks for any suggestion!

Best Answer

So we have this magic square (the left with letters, the right with empty spaces):

enter image description here

Remaining numbers for filling the empty spaces are $1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9$.

Let's begin with the first row. The sum of empty spaces in it must be $5 \ (=11-6)$. With the remaining numbers there are only two possibilities how to write $5$ as a sum of two numbers:

$$5 = 2 + 3 \\ 5 = 3 + 2 $$

The first one is impossible: enter image description here because in this case must be in the place of "?" number $10$.

So there is only the second possibility:

enter image description here

No problem for $11$-year-old child to finish the task now.

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