Algebraic Topology – $\Sigma \mathbb{R}P^n$ and $S^2 \vee S^3 \vee … \vee S^{n+1}$ Not Homotopy Equivalent


I want to use all the material for my algebraic topology class since I'm quite lost in it…
For that, I want to show that $\Sigma \mathbb{R}P^n$ and $S^2 \vee S^3 \vee … \vee S^{n+1}$ are not homotopy equivalent using different technique I learned. I wanted to use the fundamental group, cohomology with integral coefficients, and the Bockstein

  1. For the fundamental group I know that it is trivial for $S^2 \vee S^3 \vee … \vee S^{n+1}$ but I don't know how the second one look like…
  2. for cohomology with integral coefficient, I guess I should use the fact that suspension have trivial cup products but then I'm stuck
  3. I find the bockstein homomorphism really hard to understand so I don't know where to start here…

I quite lost and I've read my class note so many times, so maybe some hints would help a lot!

Best Answer

Their homology groups with $\mathbb{Z}$-coefficients are different. Same for cohomology. (As long as $n>1$ — if $n=1$, the spaces are homeomorphic.)