Showing that the area of a parabolic sector is half the area of a corresponding region bounded by the directrix (without Calculus)

areaconic sections

Given parabola:

Parabola with parabolic sector and parabolic rectangle

It is necessary to prove that the area of the parabolic sector (green) is equal to half the area of the parabolic rectangle (orange) without calculus. ("Something like" Archimedes' Quadrature of the Parabola may be used, although (according to a comment made to an answer) not the Quadrature itself.)

I know I need to use the optical property of a parabola, but how exactly?

Any thoughts would be so much appreciated.

Original text of the problem from the book "Measurement" (page 190) by Paul Lockhart:

"Using the method of exhaustion, Archimedes was able to show that the area of the sector is exactly half that of the rectangle. Can you do the same? Why is the area of a parabolic sector equal to half the area of the parabolic rectangle?"

Best Answer

I'll try to give a proof which should be on the right track.

Let $P$ and $Q$ be two points on the parabola, $M$ and $N$ their projections on the directrix, $F$ the focus. When $Q$ approaches $P$ the area of trapezoid $PQNM$ becomes the double of the area of triangle $PQF$, because bases $PM$ and $PF$ are equal, $QN$ approaches $PM$, and the ratio of altitudes $QH$ and $QK$ tends to $1$, because line $PQ$ becomes by definition the tangent at $P$, which is the bisector of angle $\angle FPM$ (focal property of parabola).

The area of the parabolic sector is the sum of triangles like $PQF$, while the area of the parabolic rectangle is the sum of trapezoids like $PQNM$, hence the thesis follows.

enter image description here

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