Showing that $\kappa^+ \leq 2^\kappa$ in ZF.


I had a discission with one of my colleagues and he claimed that if $\kappa$ is an infinite cardinal number (aleph), then it is not possible to show that $\kappa^+ \leq 2^\kappa$ without axiom of choice. Buy I believe that it is not actually true. Here is my proof:

First, let ordinal $\alpha = h(\kappa)$ be Hartogs number of $\kappa$. Following the proof of existence of Hartogs numbers from the Wikipedia page (, it is easy to see that there is injection from $\alpha$ into $2^{\kappa \times \kappa }$ (i.e. $|\alpha| \leq 2^{\kappa \times \kappa}$). AC is not used here.

Since $\kappa^+$ is the smallest cardinal such that there is no injection from it into $\kappa$, $\kappa^+ \leq \alpha$ as ordinals, and therefore $\kappa^+ \leq |\alpha| \leq 2^{\kappa \times \kappa}$ cardinality wise.

It is also can be shown without Axiom of Choice that $\kappa = \kappa \times \kappa$ for any aleph $\kappa$. Thus, $2^{\kappa \times \kappa} = 2^\kappa$, and $\kappa^+ \leq 2^\kappa$. All without AC.

Am I missing something? Thanks in advance!

Best Answer

it is easy to see that there is injection from $\alpha$ into $2^{\kappa\times\kappa}$

Actually, that's not correct: you cannot in fact get an injection from $h(\kappa)$ to $2^{\kappa\times\kappa}$ in $\mathsf{ZF}$ alone.

What you can do (and you mention this in the comments) is get a surjection the other way, but that doesn't give you an injection in the direction you want. In fact, the best $\mathsf{ZF}$ can do is the following: if there is a surjection from $X$ to $Y$, then there is an injection from $Y$ to $\mathcal{P}_{\not=\emptyset}(X)$ (send $y$ to the preimage of $y$ under a given surjection).

Interestingly, the exact strength of the statement "If there is a surjection $X\rightarrow Y$ then there is an injection $Y\rightarrow X$" is not known. It is called the partition principle (PP), and while it is known to be unprovable in $\mathsf{ZF}$ it is open in particular whether it is equivalent over $\mathsf{ZF}$ to the full axiom of choice. See Asaf Karagila's summary.

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