Showing that $[G:K]=[G:H][H:K]$ for $K \leq H \leq G$ and $|G| < \infty$


Definition: For a finite group $G$ and a subgroup $H \leq G$, $$[G:H] := \frac{|G|}{|H|},$$ which is a positive integer.

For a finite group $G$, assume $K$ is a subgroup of $H$ and $H$ is a subgroup of $G$. Then $[G:K]=[G:H][H:K]$.

In showing this, why can't I just cancel the $|H|$? Aren't they just elements of the field $\mathbb{R}$, hence the cancellation property holds there?

Best Answer

Lagrange implies that $|G|=|G:H||H|=|G:K||K|$ and $|H|=|H:K||K|$ implies that $|G:H||H:K||K|=|G:K||K|$ simplify the both side by $|K|$.