Showing that a space does not deformation retract


What is a good way to show that a space does not deformation retract onto something?
For example,

  1. Show that the Mobius strip does not deformation retract onto its boundary
  2. Show that the torus does not deformation retract onto the one-point union of two circles

Best Answer

One general way to prove nonexistence of maps is to assume the map exists, apply one of your favorite algebraic topology functors, and thereby obtain a contradiction. That's how the proof of the "no retraction" theorem goes for nonexistence of a retraction from a closed 2-dimensional disc to its boundary circle, a proof which you probably know (and which is a key step in proving the Brouwer fixed point theorem).

In this situation, suppose that $M$ is a Möbius band with boundary circle $\partial M$. To say that a function $f : M \mapsto \partial M$ is a retraction means that the composition $$\partial M \xrightarrow{i} M \xrightarrow{f} \partial M $$ is equal to the identity map, where $i$ is the inclusion. Now let's apply our favorite functor, the fundamental group functor. It follows that the composition $$\underbrace{\pi_1(\partial M)}_{\mathbb Z} \xrightarrow{i_*} \underbrace{\pi_1(M)}_{\mathbb Z} \xrightarrow{f_*} \underbrace{\pi_1(\partial M)}_{\mathbb Z} $$ is equal to the identity map. What could possibly go wrong?

Well, we know that $i_*$ is the "times $2$" homomorphism of $\mathbb Z$, because the fundamental group of $M$ is generated by the curve that goes around the core of $M$, and the boundary of $M$ is homotopic to the curve that goes $2$ times around the core.

Now if you work through the algebra, you will discover that no matter what homomorphism of $\mathbb Z$ you compose after the "times $2$" homomorphism, you will never get the identity homomorphism of $\mathbb Z$. That's the contradiction which proves that you cannot retract $M$ to $\partial M$.

As you study algebraic topology more deeply, you will see this pattern repeated over and over: new algebraic topology functors put to use in disproving existence of maps of various sorts.

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