Showing that a certain map in a commutative diagram with exact rows is injective


This exercise is from Dummit and Foote, Section 10.5. (Exercise 1, part d)

The following diagram is commutative with exact rows. We know that $\alpha,\gamma$ are surjective, and $\beta$ is injective. I want to show that $\gamma$ is injective.

enter image description here

I tried starting with some $c \in C$ with $\gamma c = 0$. But then I get stuck in $C'$. Since I don't know anything about the injectivity/surjectivity of $\phi$ and $\phi'$, I don't know how to get out of $C'$ and use exactness or commutativity.

First I assumed that there exists some $b \in B$ such that $\phi(b) = c$. Then by commutativity of the right square we have
\gamma\phi b = \phi'\beta b = 0

Therefore $\beta b \in \ker \phi' = \mathrm{Im(\psi')}$ so we have $\psi' a' = \beta b$ for some $a' \in A'$. We also know that $\alpha$ is onto so we have $\alpha a = a'$ for some $a \in A$. Now we will use the commutativity of the left square:
\psi' \alpha a = \beta \psi a = \beta b

Therefore $\beta \psi a = \beta b$ and by $\beta$'s injectivity we have $\psi a = b$. Now we apply $\phi$:
\phi \psi a = 0 = \phi b = c

I used exactness in the last part.

But I don't know what to do when $c$ is not in $\phi$'s image. Hints would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

I believe the statement is false: Let $A=B=C=B'=\mathbb{Z}\oplus \mathbb{Z}$ and $A'=C'=\mathbb{Z}$. Consider the following maps: $$ \psi(x,y)=(x,0), \quad \phi(x,y)=(0,y) $$ $$ \alpha(x,y)=x, \quad \beta(x,y)=(x,y), \quad \gamma(x,y)=y $$ $$ \psi'(x) = (x,0), \quad \phi'(x,y)=y. $$

Then it is easy to see that the diagram commutes, that $\alpha$ and $\gamma$ are surjective and $\beta$ is injective but $\gamma$ is not injective. Also, the rows are exact because $$ \operatorname{Img}(\psi) = \mathbb{Z}\oplus 0 = \ker(\phi) $$ and $$ \operatorname{Img}(\psi') = \mathbb{Z}\oplus 0 = \ker(\phi'). $$

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