Showing $(sp-bc)(sq-bc)=bc(s-b)(s-c)$, for $s$ the semiperimeter of a triangle, with $p$ and $q$ determined by a line tangent to the incircle


I've the following construction, as shown in the figure. The line $QP$ is tangent to the incircle of $\triangle ABC$. The triangle has side lengths given by $a,b,c$. I am trying to prove the result that
where $s$ is the semiperimeter of the triangle, $p = AP$, and $q = AQ$.

Show that $(sp-bc)(sq-bc)=bc(s-b)(s-c)

I've tried applying the Law of Cosines separately for $\triangle APQ$ and $\triangle ABC$, as they share the angle $\angle CAB$, but I've had no luck.

Best Answer

Let the usual $x=s-a=AD=AE$. We know $PQ=PE+QD=2x-p-q$, so the cosine rule gives $$ \frac{(b+c)^2-a^2}{2bc}=1+\cos A=\frac{(p+q)^2-(2x-p-q)^2}{2pq}=\frac{2x(p+q-x)}{pq}. $$ Clearing denominators, we have $$ pq((b+c)^2-a^2)=2bc\cdot 2x(p+q-x) $$ i.e. $$ pqs-bc(p+q)=-bcx. $$ Multiply by $s$ and add $b^2c^2$: $$ pqs^2-bc(sp+sq)+b^2c^2=bc(bc-xs). $$ The LHS is $(sp-bc)(sq-bc)$. In the RHS, recall $x=s-a=b+c-s$, so $$ bc(bc-xs)=bc[bc-(b+c-s)s]=bc(s-b)(s-c) $$ as desired.