Showing cardinality inequalities involving equivalence relations without the Axiom of Choice


I am studying a course on ZF Set Theory and am currently looking at the cardinalities of infinite sets.

Consider any equivalence relation $\equiv$ on any set $X$. Show that $$2 ^{ |X/{\equiv}|} \leq 2^{|X|} $$ $$\text{and}$$ $$|X/{\equiv}| < 2 ^{|X|}, $$
without using the Axiom of Choice.

Using the Axiom of Choice for these types of inequalities feels a lot more natural to me, however, without this I am unsure how to proceed.

It feels like a natural way to go about this question is to find an injective function from the left hand set to the right hand set in order to show the that the left hand cardinality is less than or equal to the right hand cardinality (in both cases).

I initially believed that the second part of the question follows on trivially from the first, but I have been led to believe that this is more involved than I first thought and would be grateful for any help or clarification here.

Best Answer

For the first one, note that there is a surjection from $X$ onto $X/{\equiv}$. This means that the fibres of this functions define an injection from $X/{\equiv}$ into $2^X$, but you can show that this injective function actually maps $2^{X/{\equiv}}$ into $2^X$ injectively.

For the second one, note that quite literally, $X/{\equiv}$ is a subset of $2^X$, when considering $2^X$ as the power set of $X$. So we trivially get $\leq$. But since there is a surjection from $X$ onto $X/{\equiv}$, this $\leq$ cannot possibly be $=$, since that would contradict Cantor's theorem, which holds without choice (there is no surjection from $X$ onto $2^X$). Therefore $X/{\equiv}<2^X$.

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