Showing an isometry.


I'm trying to answer this question(how to show the map $f(x_1,x_2) = (x_1+x_2, x_1-x_2)$ is a surjective isometry for specified metrics on $\Bbb R^2$) as an exercise, but I think I'm stuck and this is probably not an isometry. Also, I don't understand why the OP is using $d^{\infty}(f(x),f(y)):=\max:\{|(x_1+x_2)-(y_1+y_2)|,|(x_1-x_2)-(y_1-y_2)|\}$ . It doesn't seem right since $d^{\infty}:=\sqrt{\sum_{i=1}^2(x_i-y_i)^2}$. I have shown bijection so I won't post it here, for the sake of brevity.

Show $f:\Bbb{R}^2\rightarrow\Bbb{R^2}$ such that $f(x)=f((x_1,x_2)):=(x_1+x_2,x_1-x_2)$ where $d'(x,y):=\sum_{i=1}^2\vert x_i-y_i\vert$ and $d^{\infty}:=\sqrt{\sum_{i=1}^2(x_i-y_i)^2}$ is a surjective isometry.

(Show Isometry)
Let $x=(x_1,x_2)$ and $y=(y_1,y_2)$. So we have $d'(x,y)=\sum_{i=1}^2\vert x_i-y_i\vert=\vert x_1-y_1\vert+\vert x_2-y_2\vert$ and
d^\infty (f(x),f(y))&=d^\infty((x_1 +x_2),(x_1-x_2))\\
Finally, I want to ask if I still need to show that $f$ is a homeomorphism.

Best Answer

Firstly, clearly it's not an isometry between the $1$-norm and the $2$-norm. This can be most intuitively seen by looking at the spheres of the two metrics. The transformation $T$ is linear, and the sphere of the $1$-norm is a polygon. Its image, therefore, is also a polygon. But if it were an isometry, we'd also expect it to be the $2$-norm's circular sphere, which is absurd.

Secondly, you don't need to show $f$ is a homeomorphism. Showing a map is an isometry shows continuity automatically (it's super-easy: pick $\delta = \varepsilon$). Isometries are also injective, and their inverses (when considered mapping onto their range) are also isometries. So, if you can show $f$ is surjective, then $f^{-1}$ is an isometry, and also continuous. Thus, $f$ is a homomorphism (when surjective).

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