Showing ((a1 ⋄ a2) ⋄ a3) ⋄ a4 = a1 ⋄ (a2 ⋄ (a3 ⋄ a4)) in a semigroup.

linear algebrasemigroups

I am a student in computer science – first year.
I study linear linear algebra 2 – course of linear algebra 1. – In some institutions academic studies teach the courses together / teach in another way.

I tried to solve the question a few hours but I'm not sure how to solve it exactly.

"4. (somewhat harder) Let G4 = (A, ⋄) be a semi-group, with |A| ≥ 4. Prove that
∀a1, a2, a3, a4 ∈ G4 : ((a1 ⋄ a2) ⋄ a3) ⋄ a4 = a1 ⋄ (a2 ⋄ (a3 ⋄ a4))."

There are two data in the question – a semi-group, and that A is an absolute value .greater than 4.
how A > 4 helps me solve the question, I did not understand how to use it at all. What does it actually help me?

Best Answer

$$((a*b)*c)*d = (a*(b*c))*d = a*((b*c)*d) = a*(b*(c*d))$$