Showing a system of equations has no integer solutions

diophantine equationsmodular arithmeticnumber theoryquadratic-formssystems of equations

I am having trouble finding an elegant way of showing this system of equations has no integer solutions:




So far I've narrowed it down to showing $221c^2+100$ cannot be a perfect square, but I'm hoping there's a way that's less computational!

Best Answer

ADDED: pretty much everything needed for this answer is in this chapter of BUELL

enter image description here

The method suggested in comments gives first $a = d + 2c$ and then $d = 5b-7c.$ Plugging those into $ad-bc=1$ gives $$ 25 b^2 - 61bc + 35 c^2 = 1. $$ If we had $b=c = 1$ the quadratic form would evaluate to $-1.$ However, $1$ itself is impossible. The printout below shows the Gauss-Lagrange method of "reduced" indefinite binary quadratic forms. It is a theorem of Lagrange that all small numbers (below $\frac{1}{2} \sqrt {221}$ in absolute value) that are primitively integrally represented by $\langle 25 -61, 35 \rangle$ must appear as first or last coefficients of a form in the chain of reduced forms equivalent to the original; however

jagy@phobeusjunior:~/old drive/home/jagy/Cplusplus$ ./indefCycle  25 -61 35

  0  form             25         -61          35  delta     -1
  1  form             35          -9          -1  delta     -2
  2  form             -1          13          13

          -1           2
          -1           1

To Return  
           1          -2
           1          -1

0  form   -1 13 13   delta  1     ambiguous  
1  form   13 13 -1   delta  -13     ambiguous  
2  form   -1 13 13

  form   -1 x^2  + 13 x y  13 y^2 

minimum was   1rep   x = 1   y = 0 disc 221 dSqrt 14  M_Ratio  196
Automorph, written on right of Gram matrix:  
-1  13
1  -14
jagy@phobeusjunior:~/old drive/home/jagy/Cplusplus$ 

This is equivalent to the fact that $x^2 - 221 y^2 \neq -1$ for integers $x,y,$ proof by continued fractions, really:

jagy@phobeusjunior:~/old drive/home/jagy/Cplusplus$ ./Pell 221
Tue Jun 30 15:05:16 PDT 2020

0  form   1 28 -25   delta  -1
1  form   -25 22 4   delta  6
2  form   4 26 -13   delta  -2
3  form   -13 26 4   delta  6
4  form   4 22 -25   delta  -1
5  form   -25 28 1   delta  28
6  form   1 28 -25

 disc 884
Automorph, written on right of Gram matrix:  
97  2800
112  3233

 Pell automorph 
1665  24752
112  1665

Pell unit 
1665^2 - 221 * 112^2 = 1 


15^2 - 221 * 1^2 = 4 


221      13 *  17

Tue Jun 30 15:05:16 PDT 2020
jagy@phobeusjunior:~/old drive/home/jagy/Cplusplus$ 
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