Show that $V_{\lambda’} \cong V_\lambda \otimes U$ where $V_\lambda$ is the Specht module and $U$ is the sign representation of $S_n$.


This is Exercise 4.4(c) in Fulton/Harris Representation Theory. Most of the definitions can be found here: Let $\lambda \vdash n$. The Specht module $V_\lambda$ is the irreducible representation of $S_n$ defined via the image $\mathbb{C}[S_n]c_\lambda$ of $c_\lambda$ is $\mathbb{C}[S_n]$ where $c_\lambda$ is the Young symmetrizer. I want to show that
V_{\lambda'} \cong V_\lambda \otimes U

where $U$ is the sign representation and $\lambda'$ is the partition of $n$ conjugate to $\lambda$. As a submodule of the group algebra $\mathbb{C}[S_n]$, we have $U = \mathbb{C} \sum_{\pi \in S_n} sgn(\pi) \pi$.

Can anyone help me show this? I need to define a $\mathbb{C}[S_n]$ module isomorphism but I don't really understand what the elements of the Specht module look like. I have seen a proof using polytabloids, e.g. in James, but I am trying to understand the construction of the Specht modules as submodules of the group algebra instead.

Best Answer

Let $\Phi:\mathbb{C}[S_n]\rightarrow \mathbb{C}[S_n]$ be the linear map which sends a permutation $\sigma$ to ${\rm sgn}(\sigma)\ \sigma$. It is an algebra automorphism of $\mathbb{C}[S_n]$ which maps the Specht module for $\lambda$ to that for the transpose $\lambda'$. Hint: Is this map $S_n$-equivariant? If not, how can you correct for that?

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