Triangles – Show That Triangle ABC is Isosceles


the question

Consider the triangle $ABC$ and a point $M$ inside the triangle such that $\angle MAB = 10 ,\angle MAC = 40 ,\angle MCA = 30 $ and $\angle MBA = 20 $ . Show that triangle $ABC$ is isosceles.

my idea

the drawing

enter image description here

As you can see I calculated the other angles we have in the triangle…I'm preatty sure we need an auxiliar construction, but I can't figure out which one to do. I dont know how to start. Hope one of you can help me! Thank you!

Best Answer

By law of sines, $$\frac{AM}{\sin 30°}=\frac{AC}{\sin 110°} \tag{1}\label{1} $$ $$\frac{AB}{\sin 150°}=\frac{AM}{\sin 20°} \tag{2}\label{2}$$ We can combine ($\ref{1}$) and ($\ref{2}$) to get $$\frac{AC\sin 30°}{\sin 110°}=\frac{AB\sin 20°}{\sin 150°}$$ Now we can apply values of $\sin 30°$, $\sin 150°$: \begin{align} AC& =2AB \left(2\sin 20°\sin 110°\right) \\ AC & =2AB(\cos(-90°)-\cos(130°)) \\ AC & =-2AB\cos(180°-50°) \\ AC & =2AB\cos 50° \tag{3} \label{3} \end{align} Again by law of cosines, $$BC^2=AC^2+AB^2-2ABAC\cos 50°$$ Now substituting from $(\ref{3})$, \begin{align} BC^2& =4(AB)^2\cos^2 50° + AB^2 - 4(AB)^2\cos^2 50° \\ BC^2 & =AB^2 \\ BC & =AB \end{align} Hence $\triangle ABC$ is isoceles.