Show that there cannot exist an embedding from $S^1 \to \Bbb R$.


Show that there cannot exist an embedding from $S^1 \to \Bbb R$.

An embedding is defined to be a homeomorphism onto it's image. If we suppose that such an embedding would exist call it $f : S^1 \to f(S^1)$, then as $S^1$ is connected the continuous image $f(S^1)$ is also connected.

Now for any point $p \in S^1$ we know that $S^1 \setminus \{p\}$ is connected as it's homeomorphic to $\Bbb R$ which is connected and therefore has only one component, but $f(S^1) \setminus \{p\}$ is now a space with two components and therefore $f$ cannot be an embedding as it should be an homeomorphism, but by deleting a point we end up with an homeomorphism between space of one component and one with two components.

Is this kind of point removal argument satisfactory here or is there alternative ways to conclude?

Best Answer

As you were told in the comments, if the point $p$ that you remove from $f\left(S^1\right)$ is an endpoint, your argument fails. Of course, you can say that $f\left(S^1\right)$ is an infinite set, and that therefore you can always remove a point which is not an endpoint. I think that this is the simplest and shortest proof.