Show that the sequence $x_{n+1}=\sqrt{2-x_n}$ converges


I want to show that the sequence defined by $x_{n+1}=\sqrt{2-x_n}$ with $x_0=\frac{2}{3}$ converges. To be honest, I have no idea how to prove that because this sequence is not even monotonic but it is bounded. Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

It may help to know what this converges to (if it converges). The limit would have to fulfil $$ x=\sqrt{2-x},$$ i.e., be a solution of $x^2+x-2=0$. So $x=\frac{-1\pm \sqrt 9}2$, but only the positive solution (that is $1$) makes sense.

So we may try to show that the distance to $1$ decreases. Let $y_n=x_n^2-1$. Then

$$y_{n+1}=x_{n+1}^2-1=(2-x_n)-1=1-x_n=-\frac{y_n}{1+x_n} $$ and as certainly $x_n>0$, we conclude that $|y_{n+1}|<|y_n|$, i.e., $|y_n|$ is strictly decreasing. This also implies that $|y_n|\le |y_0|=\frac59$, so $x_n\ge\sqrt{1-\frac59}=\frac23$, and we find the fetter inequality $$|y_{n+1}|\le \frac{3}{5}|y_n|$$ so that $y_n\to 0$ at least geometrically.

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