Show that the ith row $AB$ is the matrix product of the ith row of $A$ with the entire matrix $B$

linear algebramatrices

Consider two matrices $A$ and $B$ of dimensions such that the product $AB$
exists. Show that the ith row of $AB$ is the matrix product of the ith row of
$A$ with the entire matrix $B$.

I am trying to use this definition $AB = \sum_{l=1}^{n} A_{il} B_{lk} = .$

Unfortunately I am stuck and need some help to proceed further.

Best Answer

For a matrix $M$, define $M_{ij}$ to be its $(i,j)^{th}$ entry, and $M_i$ to be its $i^{th}$ row.

What you want to show is

$$(AB)_i = A_iB$$

And by definition of the regular matrix multiplication,

$$(AB)_{ij} = \sum A_{i\ell}B_{\ell j} \tag 1$$ $$(A_iB)_{1j} = \sum (A_i)_{1\ell}B_{\ell j} \tag 2$$

Since $A_iB$ has only one row, you'll just have to show that $(1)$ and $(2)$ are equal for each $j$.