Show that the group $(\Bbb R,+)/(\Bbb Z,+)$ has non-trivial finite subgroups.


Show that the group $(\Bbb R,+)/(\Bbb Z,+)$ has non-trivial finite subgroups.

The group is

$$(\Bbb R,+)/(\Bbb Z,+) = \{a + \Bbb Z \mid a \in \Bbb R\},$$

but I think all of the cosets are infinite? For example with $3+\Bbb Z = \{\dots,3,4,5,6, \dots \}$.

How can I get a finite subgroup when the cosets are of the form $a + \Bbb Z$ for $a \in \Bbb R$?

Best Answer

Hint: Let $n\in\Bbb N.$ We have

$$n\left(\frac{1}{n}+\Bbb Z\right)=\Bbb Z.$$