Show that the curve is contained in a plane.


If all osculating planes of a regular curve pass through one point, show that the curve is contained in a plane.

The osculating plane equation is as follows:
X-x & Y-y & Z-z \\
x' & y' & z' \\
x'' & y'' & z''

or $(R-r, r', r'') = 0$ where $R = (X,Y,Z)$ and $r = r(t)$ is the curve equation.

The first idea came to my mind was showing that the torsion is zero everywhere, but I do not see how to observe this fact.

Let $M(A,B,C)$ be the point that all those planes pass through. Then, for any value of $t$, we have
A-x & B-y & C-z \\
x' & y' & z' \\
x'' & y'' & z''

Expanding the determinant does not seem to give anything. I got stuck here.

Best Answer

Just apply Serret-Frenet.

WLOG the common point is the origin and the curve is parametrised by arclength $s$. The given condition says $\mathbf{r}\cdot(\mathbf{r}'\times\mathbf{r}'')=0$.

Since $\mathbf{r}'\times\mathbf{r}''=\mathbf{T}\times\mathbf{T}'=\kappa\mathbf{T}\times\mathbf{N}=\kappa\mathbf{B}$, either we have $\kappa=0$ on an interval (so we are done), or $\mathbf{r}\cdot\mathbf{B}=0$ on an interval.

Differentiating $\mathbf{r}\cdot\mathbf{B}=0$ gives $\mathbf{r}\cdot\tau\mathbf{N}=0$ so again either zero torsion on an interval (so we are done) or $\mathbf{r}\cdot\mathbf{N}=0$ on an interval. Since $\mathbf{r}\cdot\mathbf{N}=\mathbf{r}\cdot\mathbf{B}=0$ we have $\mathbf{r}=(\mathbf{r}\cdot\mathbf{T})\mathbf{T}$ so $\kappa=0$.