Show that $\sqrt{10}+\sqrt{26}+\sqrt{17}+\sqrt{37} \gt \sqrt{341}$


Show that $\sqrt{10}+\sqrt{26}+\sqrt{17}+\sqrt{37} \gt \sqrt{341}$.

This is inspired by
Showing $x+y>z$, where $x=\sqrt{10}+\sqrt{26}$, $y=\sqrt{17}+\sqrt{37}$, and $z=\sqrt{323}$. Is my idea corect?,
where the 341 is replaced by

In that problem,
the difference is about
which enabled a
quite elementary proof to work.

In this case,
the difference is about
which is much harder.

is an elementary proof possible,
other than computing the difference?

Wolfram Alpha gives
this form for the difference:

sqrt(root of x^16 – 6896 x^15 + 21218584 x^14 – 38619086608 x^13 + 46445175324092 x^12 – 39034285182032752 x^11 + 23634682317529311848 x^10 – 10471213870456147495696 x^9 + 3411556529576995933189478 x^8 – 814131450981226210018475344 x^7 + 140459189711872042665929874728 x^6 – 17103305259239135613970718210992 x^5 + 1412793771745512798455228682417916 x^4 – 74118197304168530774085170831631440 x^3 + 2187202048899771587108104647206992600 x^2 – 27077232770375735729098901781263934000 x + 26005877616308367788704404950625 near x = 9.60433×10^-7)

It also gives the
minimal polynomial as

x^32 – 6896 x^30 + 21218584 x^28 – 38619086608 x^26 + 46445175324092 x^24 – 39034285182032752 x^22 + 23634682317529311848 x^20 – 10471213870456147495696 x^18 + 3411556529576995933189478 x^16 – 814131450981226210018475344 x^14 + 140459189711872042665929874728 x^12 – 17103305259239135613970718210992 x^10 + 1412793771745512798455228682417916 x^8 – 74118197304168530774085170831631440 x^6 + 2187202048899771587108104647206992600 x^4 – 27077232770375735729098901781263934000 x^2 + 26005877616308367788704404950625

Best Answer

Let $$ s \doteq \sqrt{10} + \sqrt{17} + \sqrt{26} + \sqrt{37} = \sum_{n=3}^6 \sqrt{n^2+1}. $$ The inequality $s > \sqrt{341}$ is fairly tight because $s^2 \approx 341.0362$. However, we will obtain the bound $s^2 > 341.03$ using only rational arithmetic.

To begin, note that $$ \sqrt{n^2+1} - n = \frac{1}{\sqrt{n^2+1} + n} < \frac{1}{2n}. $$ The inequality goes the wrong way to use directly. Instead we express it as $\sqrt{n^2+1} < n + \frac{1}{2n}$ and write $$ \sqrt{n^2+1} - n = \frac{1}{\sqrt{n^2+1} + n} > \frac{1}{n + \frac{1}{2n} + n} = \frac{2n}{4n^2+1}. $$ Therefore $$ s = \sum_{n=3}^6 \sqrt{n^2+1} > \sum_{n=3}^6 \left(n + \frac{2n}{4n^2+1}\right) = \frac{130086126}{7044245}. $$ The final step is just some more rational arithmetic (albeit with large integers!): $$ s^2 - 341 = \frac{1506999259351}{49621387620025} > \frac{15}{500} = 0.03. $$ Therefore $s^2 > 341.03$.