Show that some pair of 8 points in the unit square will be at most $\sqrt{5}/4$ units apart


Show that some pair of 8 points in the unit square will be at most $\sqrt{5}/4$ units apart.

Choose coordinates so that the unit square is centered at the origin. Consider the seven circles with radius $\sqrt{5}/8$ centered at $(\pm 3/8, \pm 1/4), (0, \pm 1/2), (0,0).$ Some two of the two points must lie in the same circle.

But how would one prove that the circles cover the entire unit square formally?

I know that if two circles intersect, the distance between the centers is less than the sum of their radii. So circles $C_1$ and $C_2$ intersect, where $C_1,C_2$ are centered at $(-3/8, -1/4), (0,-1/2).$

Best Answer

An absolutely formal proof that the circles cover the unit square would proceed by partitioning the unit square into convex polygons, then showing that each polygon has all its vertices within one of the circles (not necessarily on the boundary). Since the polygons are convex, their vertices lying within a circle implies that their whole body (edges and interior) lies within the same circle too.

And you can in fact do a little better by replacing $\frac{\sqrt5}8$ with $\frac1{1+\sqrt7}$ and using this covering:

If the square is origin-centred, the circle centres are at $(0,0),\left(\pm\frac12,0\right)$ and $\left(\pm\frac14,\pm\frac{2+\sqrt7}{12}\right)$. The proof using the convex partition method is left as an exercise.

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