Show that $R/I\otimes_R R/J \cong R/(I+J)$


Let $R$ be a (not necessarily commutative) ring and $I$, $J$ $\lhd$ $R$ two 2-sided ideals of $R$. Show that
$$R/I\otimes_RR/J\cong R/(I+J)$$

I need to define a isomorphism between, but I didn't understand how I show the well-define, surjectivity, and homomorphism. Can you help me please.
There is a similar question but there is no commutative condition in here. And I guess there also should need to show that it is a homomorphism.
Show that $R/I\otimes_R R/J\cong R/(I+J)$

Best Answer

How about $x\otimes y \mapsto xy$ ?

There are some things to be said here :

  • you need to check that it is well-defined. For this, you'll first have to show that it is well-defined on $R/I\times R/J\to R/(I+J)$. You can then use the universal property of the tensor product.

  • You need to check that it is a map of the type you want (i.e. a group morphism, or an $(R,R)$-bimodule morphism, or an $R$-module morphism, depending on the precise claim you're making)

  • Surjectivity should be easy.

  • Then you probably want to define an inverse. For this it will help to prove that $I+J$ annihilates $1\otimes 1$ in $(R/I)\otimes_R (R/J)$ (on either side, here noncommutativity won't change much, because we're dealing with such simple modules, and because our ideals are two-sided)

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