Show that one column is a linear combination of the other two

linear algebramatrices

I have the following matrix B. I would like to show that column may be expressed as a linear combination of the other two.

The first step I did was row reduce, but I still do not see one column as a linear combination. Can anyone provide hints? Or is there is a systematic way to solve this kind of problem?

$$ \left[
11-3i& -16-12i&6-5i
\right] $$

In its RREF:

$$ \left[
0& 0&0
\right] $$

Best Answer

Your reduced matrix is not in RREF yet. If we really want the coefficients that give the third vector as a linear combination of the first two, we could continue your reduction to find that the RREF is $$ \pmatrix{ 1 & 0 & \frac{4001}{7730} - \frac{597}{7730}i\\ 0 & 1 & \frac{218}{3865} + \frac{464}{3865}i\\ 0&0&0 }. $$ With that: if $x_1,x_2,x_3$ denote the columns of the original matrix, then we have $$ x_3 = \left( \frac{4001}{7730} - \frac{597}{7730}i\right)x_1 + \left( \frac{218}{3865} + \frac{464}{3865}i \right)x_2. $$