Show that Maximum and Minimum are Global

lagrange multipliermaxima-minimamultivariable-calculusoptimization

So I have the following question:

Find the extrema of the function

Given the constraint

And determine whether these extrema are local/global on the constraint.

I found a max and min respectively at
(\frac{1+\sqrt2}{2},\frac{1-\sqrt2}{3}) ,(\frac{1-\sqrt2}{2},\frac{1+\sqrt2}{3})

with the value of f(x,y) at those points being
4\sqrt2 ,-4\sqrt2

I know these points a global maxima on the restriction/constraint, but I am having trouble proving that they are global.

Best Answer

Your constraint is an ellipsoid and your objective function is a straight line on 2-D. Therefore the straight line tangent to the ellipsoid should give you the global maximum/minimum.

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