Show that $\mathbb F^{ \;m \times n}$ is isomorphic to $\mathbb F^{m n}$,where $\mathbb F$ is a field.

linear algebravector-space-isomorphismvector-spaces

Show that $\mathbb F^{ \;m \times n}$ is isomorphic to $\mathbb F^{m n}$,where $\mathbb F$ is a field.

We can show that both have the same dimension:
$$\text{dim}(\mathbb F^{ \;m \times n})=mn=\text{dim}(\mathbb F^{m n})$$

On the other hand from this link we know there exists an isomorphism between the two vector spaces,hence the result.

I'm not sure if my argument is true.

Best Answer

Your argument is correct.

If you denote $E_{ij}$ the matrix having all entries equal to zero except the one at $i$th-row and $j$th-column which is equal to one, then $$\{E_{ij} \mid 1 \le i \le m, \, 1 \le j \le n\}$$ is a basis of $\mathbb F^{m \times n}$. Therefore $\dim \mathbb F^{m \times n} = mn.$