Show that $\int^{\infty}_{-\infty}\frac{dx}{(x^2-4x+5)^2} = \frac{\pi}{2}$ using residue theory


I'm trying to evaluate some complex integrals using residue theory. I've read a number of articles with different examples here on Stack Exchange, but I'm still really lost and could use some help.

Show that $\int^{\infty}_{-\infty}\frac{dx}{(x^2-4x+5)^2} = \frac{\pi}{2}$.

First, I found the poles of the function as $2-i$ and $2+i$. Both of these poles are of order $2$. I am also considering my region as the semicircle of radius $R$ in the upper half-plane with the line segment between $x=−R$ and $x=R$ on the real axis. So I know that I need to evaulate

$$\int_{\Gamma}f(z)dz = 2\pi iRes(f,2+i) + 2\pi iRes(f,2-i)$$

At this point, I'm really stuck on what to do from here. I tried evaluating the residues and was getting some really weird answers. My work was really messy and likely completely wrong, so hopefully it's OK if I don't reproduce it here. I'm not sure how to finish solving this.

Similarly, I'm having trouble with this integral:

$\int_{|z| = 1}z^3e^{1/z}\sin(\frac{1}{z}) dz$

I know that there is a pole at $z = 0$. So that means I need to evaluate

$$ \int_{|z| = 1}z^3e^{1/z}\sin(\frac{1}{z}) dz = 2\pi i Res(f,0)$$

Do I consider this pole of order $1$ or order $2$ and how do I find this residue?

Best Answer

For the first problem, to compute the resides of $\frac1{(z^2-4x+5)^2}$, we evaluate the limits

$$\lim_{z\to (2\pm i)}\frac{d}{dz}\left(\frac{z-(2\pm i)}{(z^2-4x+5)^2}\right)$$

But only the pole at $z=2+i$ is in the upper half plane. Can you finish now?

For the second problem, there is no pole at $z=0$. Rather, the point $z=0$ is an essential singularity. Expand both $e^{1/z}$ and $\sin(1/z)$ in Taylor series of powers of $1/z$ (the Laurent series) and use their Cauchy Product to determine the coefficient on the term $\frac1{z^4}$. Can you wrap this up now?