Show that if the numbers $\sqrt{a^2+b+c+1}$, $\sqrt{b^2+c+a+1}$ and $\sqrt{c^2+a+b+1 }$ are rational, then $a = b = c$

radicalsrational numberssquare-numbers

Let $a$, $b$ and $c$ be nonzero natural numbers. Show that if the numbers $\sqrt{a^2+b+c+1}$, $\sqrt{b^2+c+a+1}$ and $\sqrt{c^2+a+b+1 }$ are rational, then $a = b = c$.

My ideas

For those numebrs to be rational the numbers in the radical must be perfect squares.

I wrote them as some petfect squares.




Atfer summing them up


Supposing that $a=b=c$ we arrive at the conclusion that we must show that ${a+1}^2=x^2$ and so on.

The form we wrote the numbers as is really close to what we must show. Hope one of can help me! Thank you so much!!

Best Answer

It's clear that the numbers in the radical must be perfect squares,you could choose the largest number of $a,b,c$, WLOG, assume $a \ge b \ge c$.

Notice that $$a^2 \lt a^2+b+c+1 \le (a+1)^2$$ you only need to find when the equality holds.