Show that if a self-adjoint matrix is triangular, then it must be diagonal.

linear algebra

I want to show that if a self-adjoint matrix is triangular, then it must be diagonal.

Here's my thoughts so far:

Self adjoint is simply $\langle A \pmb x, \pmb y \rangle = \langle \pmb x, A \pmb y\rangle$

If $A$ is lower triangular then $\langle \pmb b, \pmb y \rangle = \langle \pmb x , \pmb c\rangle$ where

\pmb b = \begin{bmatrix}a_{11}x_1 \\ a_{21} x_2 + a_{22} x_2 \\ \vdots \\ \sum_{i=1}^n a_n x_i\end{bmatrix}

We don't really know anything about $\pmb c$ beyond that $A \pmb y = \pmb c$ and the equality shown above.

Intuitively, I want to think of the inner product as being characterized by the identity matrix because then I'd have a straightforward system of equations that would show that $A$ must only have entries along the diagonal…

Another thought is to somehow show that $A$ must be both upper and lower triangular to be self-adjoint which would imply it's diagonal.

I'm not sure how to advance from here.

Best Answer

Hint: Take $x$ to be the standard basic vector $e_i$ and $y$ to be the standard basic vector $e_j$. So $\langle e_i, Ae_j\rangle=\langle Ae_i, e_j\rangle$. This should give you some info about the matrix $A$.