Show that if a matrix is differentiable then so is its inverse


Letting $\Phi$ be a square matrix with continuous, real-valued entries. Assume $\Phi(t)$ is invertible for all $t$ in some interval $\mathcal{l}$.

Show that if $\Phi$ is differentiable, then so is the inverted matrix $\Phi^{-1}$.

p.s. the question comes, I think, from the same book/assignment as this one, but I have no trouble showing the relation given there, I just do not know how to show that $\Phi^{-1}$ is differentiable.

Best Answer

Recall that the inverse of a matrix $A$ can be written as

$(\det A)^{-1}\text{adj} A$

where adj$A$ is the adjugate of $A$. Since the determinant is a polynomial of the entries of $A$, it is differentiable if the entries of $A$ are, and therefor its inverse is aswell.

The adjugate of a matrix is has entries which are also polynomial functions of the entries of $A$, and therefore, all the entries of adj$A$ are differentiable aswell, giving that the inverse is differentiable.

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