Show that every orientation reversing homeomorphism of the real line has a fixed point.

dynamical systems

A homeomorphism f is said to be orientation reversing if for any $x<y<z$ we have $f(z)<f(y)<f(x)$. Show that every orientation reversing homeomorphism of the real line has a fixed point.

This is a question on my assignment sheet (not for credit) that I've been thinking about for days but not made any progress on. I feel like this will be easy to answer once I find the trick, any hints would be great!

Best Answer

If $f(0)=0$, we are done.

If $f(0)>0$, then $f(f(0))<f(0)$, and if $f(0)<0$, then $f(f(0))>f(0)$. In both cases, we have poitns $x_1,x_2$ with $f(x_1)<x_1$ and $f(x_2)>x_2$. Then the Intermediate Value Theorem tells us that the continuous function $x\mapsto f(x)-x$ has a zero between $x_1$ and $x_2$, i.e., $f$ has a fixed point.

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