Show that every group homomorphism can be written as a composition $ι ◦ π$


Show that every group homomorphism can be written as a composition $ι ◦ π$
of an injective group homomorphism $ι$ with a surjective group homomorphism $π$.
HINT: Use the first isomorphism theorem, aka the fundamental homomorphism

I don't know how to start this proof.
If we have a group homomorphism $\phi : G \to H$, then surely $π : G \to X$ and $ι : X \to H$ ?

Best Answer

Let $\phi: G \to H$ be a group morphism. The (proof of the) first isomorphism theorem tells us that

$$\iota: G/\ker \phi \to H: g \ker \phi \mapsto \phi(g)$$

is a well-defined group morphism that is injective.

Consider the natural projection $$\pi: G \to G/\ker \phi: g \mapsto g \ker \phi$$ which is a surjection. Then

$$\phi= \iota \circ \pi$$

and we are done.

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