Show that $E[e^{(2(m-1)X^2)}] \leq m$

expected valueprobability theory

Can someone help me with the following exercise:

Let $X$ be random variable satisfying $P(X \geq \epsilon ) \leq \exp(-2m\epsilon^2)$. Show that $E[e^{(2(m-1)X^2)}] \leq m$. Since $Z = e^{(2(m-1)X^2)}$ is nonnegative I wanted to solve this by using $E[Z] = \int_0^{\infty} P(Z \geq z) dz$.

I started with $P(Z \geq \epsilon) = P(e^{(2(m-1)X^2)} \geq \epsilon) = P(X \geq \sqrt \frac{\log(\epsilon)}{2(m-1)} \;) \leq \exp(-2m\frac{\log(\epsilon)}{2(m-1)}) = \epsilon^{\frac{-m}{m-1}}.$

This implies: $E[Z] \leq \int_0^{\infty} z^{\frac{-m}{m-1}}dz$.

But this integral turns out to be divergent and I have no other idea. I thought about using Markov's inequality but I don't quite know how to apply it in this situation. Any input would be appreciated.

Best Answer

I think you need $m >1$ for this. Let $Y$ be a positive r.v. such that $P(Y \leq y)=1-e^{-2my^{2}}$. The density of $Y$ is given by $f(y)=4my e^{-2my^{2}}, y>0$. Since $P(X\geq y) \leq P(Y\geq y)$ we get $ P( Z \geq y) \leq P(e^{2(m-1)Y^{2}}\geq y)$. Hence, $EZ \leq Ee^{2(m-1)Y^{2}}$. An easy computetion shows that $Ee^{2(m-1)Y^{2}}=m$.