Show that each connected component of a topological space $X$ is connected.


Show that each connected component of a topological space $X$ is connected.

Here is my proof

My Proof: Choose a connected component $$C = [x] = \{y \in X \mid \exists \text{ a connected set containing both $x$ and $y$}\}$$

Now for each $y \in C$ let $C_y$ be the connected set containing $x$ and $y$. We claim that $C = \bigcup_{y \in [x]}C_y$. To prove this claim pick $\alpha \in \bigcup_{y \in [x]}C_y$, then $\alpha \in C_y$ for some $y \in C$. Since $C_y$ is a connected set in $X$ containing both $\alpha$ and $x$, it follows that $\alpha \in C$ hence $\bigcup_{y \in [x]}C_y \subseteq C$.

Conversely pick $\beta \in C$, then by construction $\beta \in C_{\beta}$ which is the connected set containing both $x$ and $\beta$. Thus $\beta \in \bigcup_{y \in [x]}C_y$ and we have $C = \bigcup_{y \in [x]}C_y$.

Now since $\bigcup_{y \in [x]}C_y$ all contain $x$, their intersection is nonempty and since each $C_y$ is connected it follows that $\bigcup_{y \in [x]}C_y$ is connected. Thus $C$ is connected. $\square$

First of is my proof correct? Can I improve it in any way? I'm not too happy about my construction of $\bigcup_{y \in [x]}C_y$, because I said

"for each $y \in C$ let $C_y$ be the connected set containing $x$ and $y$"

but there's no need for $C_y$ to be unique and that made matters a bit hairy when I tried to show that $C \subseteq \bigcup_{y \in [x]}C_y$

Is there a better way to prove this?

Best Answer

Some comments.

You pick up a connected component $C$, an element $x \in C$ and then provide a definition (by extension) of $C$ which is fine.

But then you use the theorem saying that a union of connected sets all containing the same point is connected. This is not necessary.

Better to come back to the definition of a connected set. Suppose that $C$ is the union of two (relative) disjoint open subsets $C_1,C_2$ with $x \in C_1$. Then for $x \neq y \in C$, it exists a connected set $C_y$ containing $y$ and included in $C$. Necessarily $y \in C_1$ as if not $C_y$ would be the disjoint union of the non empty (relative to $C_y$) open subsets $C_1 \cap C_y, C_2 \cap C_y$. Therefore $C_2 = \emptyset$, proving that $C$ is connected.

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