Show that all prime ideals of $\mathbb Z[\sqrt {-3}]$ are maximal


How to show that all prime ideals of $\mathbb Z[\sqrt {-3}]$ are maximal?

My attempt:

$\mathbb Z[\sqrt {-3}]\cong \mathbb Z[x]/(x^2+3)$

Let p be prime ideal of $\mathbb Z[\sqrt {-3}]$

SO $\mathbb Z[\sqrt {-3}]/(p(x))$ is integral domain

I could not prove but I think it will be finite.

So it will be field so p become maximal ideal .

Please Help me show above claim

Any Help will be appreciated

Best Answer

You need to exclude the zero ideal: it is prime but not maximal.

If $I$ is a nonzero ideal of $R=\Bbb Z[\sqrt{-3}]$, then $I$ has finite index in $R$, so $R/I$ is a finite ring.

An ideal $I$ in a commutative ring $R$ is maximal iff $R/I$ is a field and is prime iff $R/I$ is an integral domain.

A finite integral domain is a field, by a well-known theorem, so in our example, if $I$ is a non-zero prime ideal, then $R/I$ is an integral domain, so $R/I$ is a field, and $I$ must be maximal.

This argument also works when $R$ any order in an algebraic number field.