Show that a triangle delimited by parallel lines to the sides of another triangle is similar to said triangle.


I was looking at geometric constructions of similar triangles, and at one point I came across the statement in the question.

A triangle delimited by vertices which are intersections of lines parallel to the sides of some other triangle is similar to said triangle.

I drew an example of the statement as follows:
enter image description here

Where the small green triangle's vertices are given by the intersections of some lines which are parallel to the sides of the blue triangle. The statement seems intuitively obvious, but I can't seem to find a way to justify it. I tried using the intercept theorem which is what I normally see is used to prove statements about similar triangles, but since I'm not sharing a side in both triangles I didn't think I could use it. Does anyone know a simple argument to justify this? Thank you!

Best Answer

An easy way to make the connection:three parallels to sides of triangle, 11/28/20 Given triangle $ABC$, and through external points $D$, $E$, $F$ parallels drawn to $AB$, $BC$, $CA$, respectively, forming triangle $GHJ$.

For explicit proof that $\triangle ABC\sim\triangle GHJ$, extend $AB$ to meet the parallels to $CA$ and $BC$ at $K$ and $L$. Since by parallels$$\angle CAB=\angle JKL$$and$$\angle JKL=\angle JGH$$therefore$$\angle CAB=\angle JGH$$For the same reason$$\angle CBA=\angle JLK=\angle JHG$$Therefore remaining angles$$\angle ACB=\angle GJH$$ and$$\triangle ABC\sim\triangle GHJ$$