Show that $4\sin^2(24^{\circ})+4\sin(24^{\circ})\sin(12^{\circ}) = 1$.


The problem asks us to show that the following equation holds true. $$4\sin^2(24^{\circ})+4\sin(24^{\circ})\sin(12^{\circ}) = 1$$

This equation has been verified on my calculator.

Perhaps some basic trigonometric formulas will be enough to solve the problem. I've tried the following: $$\begin{align} 4\sin^2(24^{\circ})+4\sin(24^{\circ})\sin(12^{\circ})&=16\sin^2(12^{\circ})\cos^2(12^{\circ})+8\sin^2(12^{\circ})
&=8\sin^2(12^{\circ})\cos(12^{\circ})\Big(2\cos(12^{\circ} ) + 1\Big)\end{align}$$

As you can see, I was trying to simplify the expression so that it'll contain only $\sin(12^{\circ})$ and $\cos(12^{\circ})$, since I thought by unifying the angles I would have a bigger chance of solving it. However, I couldn't find a way to make any further progress. Can someone show me the way?

Best Answer

Rather than manipulating to get things in terms of $12^\circ$, we'll try to get things in terms of $18^\circ$, because we (hopefully) know that $\sin(18^\circ)=\frac{\sqrt{5}-1}{4}$. Now, let's do it. First factor out $4\sin(24^\circ)$ and use sum-to-product on the remaining factor to get $$8\sin(24^\circ)(\sin(18^\circ)\cos(6^\circ)).$$ Then use product-to-sum on the first and third terms to finish. I leave the details to you, as there is value in knowing how to do these manipulations on your own.

EDIT: In general, if there are trigonometric expressions involving multiples of $6^\circ$, there is a good chance the solution will involve $\sin(18^\circ)=\frac{\sqrt 5 -1}{4}$ and/or $\cos(36^\circ)=\frac{\sqrt 5+1}{4}$. If you'd like another example for more practice, try to show that $$\sin(6^\circ)\sin(12^\circ)\sin(24^\circ)\sin(42^\circ)+\sin(12^\circ)\sin(24^\circ)\sin(42^\circ)=\frac{1}{16}.$$ (Source: ARML 2019)