Linear Algebra – Prove 1^T(tI-B)^-1?=0 for Adjacency Matrix of Regular Graph

algebraic-graph-theorygraph theorylinear algebramatrices

I want to show that $1^T(tI-B)^{-1}\mathbb{1}=0$ when $B$ is the adjacency matrix of a regular graph on $2m$ vertices, where $1$ denotes the all ones vector. This is part of a bigger problem and it's the last step I need to finish. I don't know how to start, because inverting the matrix $tI-B$ already seems very complicated. Could someone help me?

Best Answer

Summing up the $i$th row of $B$ means counting the number of neighbors of the node $i$ in the graph. For a $d$-regular graph, this will be $d$ (constant across nodes). That is, $B\mathbf{1}=d\mathbf{1}$. Further, you have that $\left(I-B/t\right)^{-1}= \sum_{i=0}^{\infty} B^{i}/t^{i}$, whenever the spectral radius of $B/t$ is smaller than $1$, i.e., $\rho(B/t)<1$. This is equivalent to $\left|d/t\right|<1$ or $d<|t|$, as the eigenvalue $d$ happens to be also the spectral radius of $B$. Under the assumption $0\neq d<|t|$, you have

$$\left(I-\frac{B}{t}\right)^{-1}\mathbf{1}=\left(\sum_{i=0}^{\infty} \frac{B^{i}}{t^{i}}\right)\mathbf{1}= \left(\sum_{i=0}^{\infty} \frac{d^i}{t^i}\right)\mathbf{1}=\left(\frac{1}{1-\frac{d}{t}}\right)\mathbf{1}.$$ Therefore, if $0\neq d<|t|$, then

$$\mathbf{1}^{\top}\left(tI-B\right)^{-1}\mathbf{1}=\left(1/t\right)\mathbf{1}^{\top}\left(I-\frac{B}{t}\right)^{-1}\mathbf{1}=\frac{N}{t-d}\neq 0,$$ where $N=2m$ is the number of nodes in the graph.