Geometry – Show Some Proofs in ABCD, a Regular Tetrahedron


My question:

Let $ABCD$ be a regular tetrahedron and let $O$ be the centre of the base $BCD$.

We consider the points $M \in (AO)$, $N \in (BC)$ and $P \in (BD)$ such that $(MNP) \parallel (ACD)$ and $\frac{OM}{OA} = k$

a) Determine, depending on $k$, the ratio between the area of the triangle $MNP$ and the area of the triangle $ACD$.

b) Determine $k \in \mathbb{R}$ so that the triangle $MNP$ is right-angled.

c) Is there $k \in \mathbb{R}$ such that the triangle $MNP$ is equilateral?

The drawing:

enter image description here

My idea

$(MNP) \parallel (ACD)=> MN,NP,MP \parallel (ACD)$

Using the theorem:
"If a line $d$ is parallel to a plane $\alpha$ then any other plane $\beta$ that contains this line intersects the initial plane $\alpha$ after a line $g$ that is parallel to the initial line $d$ or with the plane $\alpha$"

We get that $NP \parallel CD$, $MP \parallel AD$
, $MN \parallel AC$.

Using Thales theorem, we get $\frac{CN}{NB}=\frac{PD}{BP}$,also we get that $NPB$ is equilateral

I don't know what to do forward. Hope one of you can help me! Thank you!

Best Answer

Let $E$ be the midpoint of $CD$ and $F$ the midpoint of $NP$. From the similarity of triangles $AOE$ and $MOF$ we get: $$ {OF\over OE}={OM\over OA}={MF\over AE}=k. $$ Moreover, from the similarity of $BNP$ and $BCD$ we have: $$ {PN\over CD}={BF\over BE}={2OE+OF\over 3OE}={2+k\over3}. $$ Hence: $$ {area_{MNP}\over area_{ACD}}={PN\cdot MF\over CD\cdot AE}= {k(2+k)\over3}. $$ Note then that $\angle NMP=90°$ only if $PN=2MF$, that is: $$ {2+k\over3}CD=2kAE=k{\sqrt3}\,CD. $$ This gives the equation $2+k=3k\sqrt3$, with solution: $$ k={3\sqrt3+1\over13}. $$ Finally, from $MF={\sqrt3\over2}PN$ we can find the obvious result that $\angle NMP=60°$ if $k=1$.

enter image description here