Show $S_n$ is a primitive permutation group.


This is Exercise 7.2.1 of Robinson's, "A Course in the Theory of Groups (Second Edition)". According to this search for "symmetric group primitive" in the tag, this is new to MSE.

Arguments are written on the left.

Here "$Y\subset X$" means "$Y$ is a proper subset of $X$".

The Details:

(This can be skipped.)

A permutation group $G$ on a set $X$ is a subgroup of $S_X$ (but not simply isomorphic to such a subgroup).

An action $\cdot: X\times G\to X$ is a function such that, for all $x\in X$ and $g,h\in G$, we have $x\cdot e=x$ and $(x\cdot g)\cdot h=x\cdot (gh)$.

A transitive action of a permutation group $G$ on $X$ is an action of $G$ on $X$ such that, for any $x,y\in X$, we have some permutation $\pi\in G$ with $x\pi=y$.

If $G$ acts transitively on $X$, then $G$ is called transitive.

Let $G$ be a transitive permutation group on $X$. If $Y\subset X$ has at least two elements, it is called a domain on imprimitivity of $G$ if, for each $\pi\in G$, either $Y=Y\pi$ or $Y\cap Y\pi=\varnothing$. We call $G$ imprimitive in this case; otherwise, $G$ is primitive.

The following theorem is on page 198:

Theorem 7.2.3: Let $G$ be a transitive permutation group on a set $X$ and let $a\in X$. Then $G$ is primitive if and only if $G_a$ is a maximal subgroup of $G$.

Here $G_a$ is the pointwise stabiliser ${\rm St}_G(a)$.

The Question:

Prove that $S_n$ is primitive.


That $G=S_n$ is a transitive permutation group is clear. Indeed, its elements are permutations of $X=\{1,\dots, n\}$ and, for any $x,y\in X$, we have


where $(xy)$ is given by

a &: a\notin \{x,y\},\\
x &: a=y,\\
y &: a=x.

Let $Y\subset X$ have at least two elements. I need to show that, for some $\pi\in G$, we have neither $Y=Y\pi$ nor $Y\cap Y\pi=\varnothing$.

Alternatively, if for any $a\in X$, $G_a$ is maximal in $G$, then I would be done by Theorem 7.2.3.

Note that $|X|\ge 3$.

I have been stuck on this exercise for over a week. I'd move on if it wasn't so simple looking; I think I should be able to do it. But I think it's time I ask here . . .

Please help 🙂

Best Answer

Consider that $Y=Y\pi$ means that all the items in $Y$ are permuted amongst themselves, and $Y\cap Y\pi=\varnothing$ means the items in $Y$ are all mapped to outside of $Y$.

You want to find a permutation $\pi$ that does neither, so for example find one that maps one item in $Y$ to itself and maps another item in $Y$ to outside of $Y$. Note that $Y$ has at least two elements, and $Y$ is not the whole of $X$ so there is at least one element outside of $Y$. A single transposition between an element of $Y$ and an element of $X-Y$ will do.

This shows that $S_X$ (or $S_n$) is primitive, because for any candidate $Y$ for a domain of imprimitivity we can find a $\pi \in S_X$ that shows it is not.