Show $N$ normal there is a sequence of invertible normal operators that converges to $N$.


This is a question from Conway, a course in Functional Analisys. Background is the Spectral theorem, which states that for a normal operator $N$ there is a unique spectral measure $E$ on the Borel subsets of $\sigma(N)$ such that $N=\int zdE(z).$

I am lost on how to use this for the question:
"Show for $N$ normal there is a sequence of invertible normal operators that converges to $N$."

Also this (The set of invertible normal operator is dense in the set of normal operator) relates to my problem, but I am not sure how to use it. Can I just say my sequence exists?

My own attempt: If $N$ itself is invertible, take any sequence $\{\alpha_i\}\subset\mathbb{C}$ that converges to 1. Then $N_i=\alpha_iN$ suffices.
Is this true?
What happens when $N$ is not invertible? Should I rather look at convergence of the spectral measures instead?

Any help or hint in the right direction will be greatly appreciated.

Best Answer

If $N$ is bounded and normal with spectral measure $E$, then $$ N_{\epsilon}=\int_{|\lambda|\ge\epsilon}zdE(z)+\int_{|\lambda| < \epsilon}\epsilon dE(z) $$ is invertible for $\epsilon > 0$ with inverse $$ N_{\epsilon}^{-1}=\int_{|\lambda|\ge \epsilon}\frac{1}{z}dE(z)+\frac{1}{\epsilon}\int_{|\lambda| < \epsilon} dE(\lambda). $$ And, $$ \|N-N_{\epsilon}\|=\|\int_{|\lambda|<\epsilon}(\epsilon-z)dE(z)\| \le 2\epsilon \|E\{ z: |z|<\epsilon\}\| \le 2\epsilon. $$

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