Show $\mu$ is measure when $E_n^c$ is countable


Let $X$ be an uncountable set, let $\mathfrak{M}$ be the collection of all sets $E \subset X$ such that either $E$ or $E^c$ is at most countable ( i.e, finite or countable), and define $\mu(E)=0$ in the first case, $\mu(E)=1$ in the second. Prove that $\mu$ is measure on $\mathfrak{M}?$

My attempt : Here to prove $\mu$ is measure mean that $\mu$ is countably additive on $\mathfrak{M}$

we have two cases

$1.$when $E_n$ is countable

$2.$ when $E_n^c$ is countable

Case $1.$ : let $E_1, E_2…$ be a countable sequence of pairwise disjoint element of $\mathfrak{M}$

then their union is also countable

so we have the following inequality

$\mu(\bigcup E_n)=\sum_{n=1}^{\infty}\mu(E_n)=0$

My doubt : How to show $\mu$ is measure when $E_n^c$ is countable ?

Best Answer

Let $F$ be a countable subset of $M.$

If every $f\in F$ is countable then $\cup F$ is countable so $$\cup F\in M \;\land\;\mu(\cup F)=0=\sum_{f\in F}0=\sum_{f\in F}\mu(f).$$ If there exists an uncountable $f_0\in F$ then

(i) since $f_0\in M,$ we have $\cup F\in M$ because $(\cup F)^c$ is a subset of the countable set $(f_0)^c,$ and

(ii) since $(\cup F)^c$ is countable by (i), we have $$\mu(\cup F)=\infty=\mu(f_0)\le\sum_{f\in F}\mu(f)\le \infty.$$