Show Kronecker delta is tensor

linear algebratensors

The Kronecker delta is

enter image description here

and I use the definition of tensor as

enter image description here

I try to prove the Kronecker delta is a (1,1) tensor. I find the following equation which is enough to show Kronecker delta is a tensor.
{\delta'}_j^i = \delta_k^k \frac{\partial{x_i}'}{\partial{x_k}}\frac{\partial{x_k}}{\partial{x_j}'}

But I dnot know how to get the equation.

Best Answer

This is just chain rule applied to the composition:

$$ (x_1' , \cdots, x_n') \mapsto (x_1 , \cdots, x_n) \mapsto (x_1' , \cdots, x_n')$$

Note that the composition is the identity. So $$ I = \frac{\partial x'}{\partial x} \frac{\partial x}{\partial x'}$$

in terms of index we have \begin{align*} \frac{\partial{x_i}'}{\partial{x_k}}\frac{\partial{x_k}}{\partial{x_j}'}= {\delta'}^i_j \end{align*}

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