Show $K=\{g\in S_4\mid\forall x\in G, (gx)H=xH\}$ is isomorphic to Klein four group


Let $G$ be symmetric group of order $4$, and $H$ is a subgroup of $S_4$ generated by two elements $(1,2,3,4)$ and $(2,4)$.
Then, Let

$$K=\{g\in G\mid \forall x\in G, (gx)H=xH\}\tag{1}$$

Then, I'd like to prove $G/K$ is isomorphic to symmetric group of order $3$.

I thought $K$ should be isomorphic to Klein four group or $A_4$, because what we want to prove is true, $K$ should be order $4$, and normal subgroup of S4 of order $4$ is just Klein four group.

But I cannot prove $K$ is isomorphic to Klein four.
(I don't know the heart of $(1)$)

Could you tell me the proof of $K$ is isomorphic to Klein four, or, all element of $K$? (Maybe before listing all elements of $K$, we can deduce that $K$ is isomorphic to Klein four.)

Best Answer

We can see that $(gx)H=xH$ if and only if $x^{-1}gx=x^{-1}(gx)\in H$.

In other words, $g\in G$ is contained in $K$ if and only if all of its conjugates are in $H$, i.e., the conjugacy class containing $g$ is completely covered by $H$.

As for $H$, observe that $(1~2~3~4)$ is of order $4$ and $(2~4)$ is of order $2$, where $$(1~2~3~4)(2~4)=(1~2)(3~4),\quad(2~4)(1~2~3~4)^{-1}=(2~4)(1~4~3~2)=(1~2)(3~4);$$ that is, $$(1~2~3~4)(2~4)=(2~4)(1~2~3~4)^{-1}.$$ It follows that $H\cong D_8$, the dihedral group of squares. We can then easily write the elements in $H$ by $$H=\{\operatorname{id},(1~3),(2~4),(1~2)(3~4),(1~3)(2~4),(1~4)(2~3),(1~2~3~4),(1~4~3~2)\}.$$

Consider the conjugacy classes in $S_4$ now:

  • the conjugacy class of the identity map, size $1$;
  • the conjugacy class of transpositions, size $6$;
  • the conjugacy class of $(a~b)(c~d)$, size $3$;
  • the conjugacy class of $3$-cycles, size $8$;
  • the conjugacy class of $4$-cycles, size $6$.

The conjugacy classes totally covered by $H$ are the class of the identity map, and the class of $(a~b)(c~d)$. Therefore, $$K=\{\operatorname{id},(1~2)(3~4),(1~3)(2~4),(1~4)(2~3)\}.$$ Apparently, $K\cong V_4$, the Klein's four group.