Show integral of decreasing set is zero


In my homework I am trying to show that:

$$\lim_{n \rightarrow \infty} \int_{X\backslash K_n} |u|\, d\mu = 0$$
and $K_n=\{|u|\leq n\}$ and $u \in \mathcal{L}^1$

My basic idea was to say that:

For $n \rightarrow \infty$ then $X\setminus K_n=\emptyset$ and therefore $\mu(\emptyset)=0$ and get we get the equality.

However I am not sure how if this actually shows that the integral of some Lebesgue function is actully zero just because the measure is zero? Or if I need to take convergence into consideration

Any hint/help would be very appreciated

Best Answer

Note that $\bigcap_n X \setminus K_n=\{x:|u(x)|=+\infty\}$ and since $u$ is integrable we have that $u$ is finite a.e so $\mu(\{x:f(x)=\infty\})=0$

Also $u_n(x):=|u(x)|1_{X\setminus K_n}(x) \to |u(x)|1_{\{x:f(x)=\infty\}}(x)$

So from DCT $$\int|u(x)|1_{X\setminus K_n}(x)d\mu(x) \to \int |u(x)|1_{\{x:f(x)=\infty\}}(x)d\mu(x)$$ $$=\int_{\{x:f(x)=\infty\}}|u(x)|d\mu(x)=0$$ since $|u| \geq 0$