Show Circle Group $ \mathbb{T} $ isomorphic to $\mathbb { C } ^ { * } / \mathbb { R } ^ { * } $


I'm trying to think of an extension to this question, which asks to show whether $\mathbb { C } ^ { * } / \mathbb { R } ^ { + } \simeq \mathbb { T } $. They do it using the First Isomorphism Theorem.

I think my postulate should be true because $ \mathbb { R } ^ { + } \simeq { R } ^ { * } $, (the positive reals under multiplication and the reals under multiplication ), but I'm having difficulty coming up with a homomorphism

$$ \phi : \mathbb { C } ^ { * } \mapsto \mathbb{T} $$

Any suggestions?

Best Answer

Just use the same homomorphism, and then double the angle. Dividing by negatives means that we identify numbers on opposite sides of the origin. Double the angle, and that's not a problem anymore. After all, we can map the circle 2-1 to the circle.

(Or, as Tsemo Aristide's answer put it, going from the projective line to the circle is an angle-doubling)

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