Show a Subspace of regular space is regular


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I use this definition .Proofs of this theorem
I saw are based on a similar def, but with functions.


Let (X$,\mathcal{T}$) be a regular topology.
Let $\mathcal{T}_S$={O$\cap$ S :O$\in\tau$}

Suppose X is a regular and $S\subseteq X$,S closed and any point x$\in A$ and V$\subset A$

Let x$\in S\setminus A$, then $S\setminus A$ is open

Then there exists U open set in X s.t U $\cap S$ =V

Clearly $ x\notin$ U else x$\in V$

Since X is regular (S$\setminus A )\cap S=\emptyset$

Best Answer

Do the proof more systematically. Don’t needlessly repeat definitions.

Let $(X,\tau)$ be a regular space and let $S \subseteq X$ be a subset in the subspace topology.

Let $x \in S$ and let $C \subseteq S$ be closed in $S$ such that $x \notin C$.

By standard facts about the subspace topology, there is a closed subset $C’$ of $X$ such that $$C = C’ \cap S$$

It’s clear that $x \notin C’$ as well, so by regularity of $X$ there are open sets $U$ and $V$ of $X$ such that $x \in U$, $C’ \subseteq V$ and $U \cap V = \emptyset$.

Then $U’ = U \cap S$ is open in $S$ and contains $x$, $V’=V \cap S$ is open in $S$ and $$C = C’ \cap S \subseteq V \cap S = V’$$

Of course $U’ \cap V’ \subseteq U \cap V = \emptyset$ so these sets show that $S$ is regular.

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